I Training of Trainers on Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Lisbon)

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The MIND project, co-financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union and in which the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) is the coordinator, has held its first Training of Trainers at the IST Lisboa (Technical Institute of Lisbon).

23 participants from five Central Asian institutions travelled to Lisbon to receive specialized training in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. This ToT was organized by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Technical Institute of Lisbon, with the participation of the ULPGC as the coordinating institution. The institutions that participated in the training are: Kyrgyz National University (Kyrgystan), Buhara State University, Khorog State University and Russian Tajik (Slavonik) University (Tajikistan) and STUBA (Slovakia).

The MIND project has as main objective to support the Central Asian educational reform, through the creation of Youth Centers in the nine Central Asian participating universities, in order to promote entrepreneurship at the universities and increase the level of innovation and technology in socio-economic development.

The objective of this Training of Trainers is to contribute to the specialization of teachers of Higher Education for the implementation of innovative educational experiences that enhance the entrepreneurial and innovative competences. Some of the topics covered were: ‘Communication Strategies’, ‘Emotional Intelligence’, ‘How to elaborate a value proposal’, ‘How to carry out a business plan’, and others.

All the knowledge acquired during the whole week has provided the participants with training in the theoretical framework and the necessary tools to enhance their work. The teachers, in turn, will transmit all this knowledge to their students in the Youth Centers in their universities. As a result, professors will be better prepared to monitor the entrepreneurial projects or business ideas of their students.

From May 19 to June 2 will take place the second Training of Trainers of the project, which will have more technical content within the field of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and will take place in Bratislava, specifically at the University of Technological Studies of Bratislava (STUBA).
